Auto accidents are always complicated. Finding the true cause of a wreck involving multiple cars and personal injuries requires tremendous depth of experience.
This is particularly true when the vehicles involved include large passenger busses. These accidents are big, they’re confusing and they’re devastating in their scope and in the extent of the injuries suffered by those involved.
The legal issues involved are only more complicated when the bus in question is public and run by a municipality or other government organization. Fortunately, our bus accident lawyers have decades of experience with these complicated wrecks.
If you were hurt in a bus accident in the Redondo Beach, California area and need an experienced lawyer, please call Kirtland & Packard, LLP today at (310) 536-1000 for a free consultation.
Who Is Responsible?
Bus accidents share some similarities with truck accidents – the vehicles involved are large, liability is complicated and injuries tend to be of the catastrophic variety. However, there are some factors that make bus accidents even more complicated.
Many bus accidents involve privately owned passenger buses – these cases can be complicated, but the ability to sue the parties involved is rarely in doubt. But what happens if the bus is run by a municipality, such as the city of Long Beach or a collection of regional governments?
These cases are decidedly more complex. Suing the government is far from impossible, but it requires a unique experience and understanding of difficult legal issues.
In the state of California, suits against government entities must be filed within six months of the instigating event. And we would you advise you to move even quicker than that- municipal busses tend to be repaired quickly, which means some vital physical evidence can be lost.
Our bus accident lawyers have ample experience pursuing claims against government entities. We know how to navigate these difficult cases and we won’t be intimidated by sitting across the table from government officials.
It’s not unreasonable or litigious to vigorously pursue compensation if you suffered an injury in a bus accident caused by someone else’s mistakes. Your medical expenses are ever-mounting, and your ability to work and earn a living has been compromised. Protecting your legal rights is absolutely crucial.
If you need an experienced bus accident lawyer in South Bay, please call Kirtland & Packard, LLP today at (310) 536-1000 for a free consultation. We serve accident victims in or around Redondo Beach, Torrance, South Bay, and nearby areas in California. Call 24/7!