Transcript: Hi, I’m attorney Heather Baker Dobbs. Amputation injuries are a type of catastrophic injury case that needs to be handled by a firm with the resources to hire the best experts and fight for your case through trial, if necessary. You cannot assume that the responsible party will agree to pay you a reasonable settlement.

Amputation injuries involves so much more than the actual medical treatment at the original injury. You must deal with future surgeries, rehabilitation, physical therapy, and maybe most importantly, obtaining the best prosthetic devices to compensate for your injury. With the remarkable progress science and medicine is making in the artificial limb field, this may mean the difference between a functioning life or being stuck with something less.

You can be sure that insurance companies and medical providers are not always ready to pay for the best option for you. Our firm has handled many cases involving amputation and has obtained hard fought multi-million-dollar results for our clients. Call or email us today for a free consultation on your case. Our phone number is (310) 536-1000 or please visit our website at